June 2023
If you’d like to know more about Shaping Our Lives, please download our leaflets – Who we are and what we do, and How we can help you.
Who we are and what we do contains an overview of what work we do, with recent examples of projects we’ve worked on including training with Kings’ College London and Liverpool Hope University. It contains the latest figures relating to our work, and an overview of two research projects, one about Disabled foster carers and one about Disabled people in Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities.
How we can help you provides an overview of the various things we can help you with, partnering with you to provide training, workshops, facilitating service user involvement, and recruiting participants.
If you’d like to find out more about our work, please visit our What we offer page.
Download Who we are leaflet (PDF)Download Who we are leaflet (Word)Download How we can help you leaflet (PDF)Download How we can help you leaflet (Word)