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Becki Meakin, Peter Beresford


Over the summer of 2015, three disabled people’s organisations held separate seminars/conference on aspects of Dr Jenny Morris’s Paper “Rethinking Disability Policy,” published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in November 2011. The events, organised respectively by Shaping Our Lives, Disability Rights UK and the Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance, different in their approach and objectives and attracted different audiences. Specific agreement on the future of disability policy was difficult to find, but some common themes emerged around the deteriorating social, economic and political situation for Disabled people and the need for Disabled people to have choice and control of our lives, full inclusion and parity of access. This document summarises the discussions that occurred at each of the three seminars and outlines the conclusions that each gathering reached.
In partnership/with support of: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
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