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Jennie Fleming, Michael Glynn, Rod Griffin, Peter Beresford, Catherine Bewley, Suzy Croft, Karen Postle


As part of the Standards We Expect project, a small qualitative research project was undertaken in Camchester. The work was led by a steering group of local experts ranging from primary and secondary care professionals to relatives and carers of people living in nursing and residential homes. Its subject, choices in end of life care, grew from local concerns that nursing and residential homes are very often admitted to hospital during the final phase of life. These admissions may not be what a resident might choose and could be against previously expressed wishes. Collecting the views of people living in nursing and residential homes, relatives and carers of people living in homes, and practitioners and managers working in homes, this project aimed to find out what participants thought were the barriers to support being person centred at the end of life and how those barriers might be overcome.
In partnership/with support of: De Montfort University, Brunel University, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Values Into Action
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