User groups: Deaf people, Disabled people, People with learning difficulties or disabilities, People with long-term health conditions
Region: London
Camden Disability Action is a user-led organisation which aims to promote the equality of deaf and disabled people living or working in Camden. It was set up by deaf and disabled people in May 2015 to remove barriers that prevent us having full choice and control over our lives. As Camden Disability Action develops and secures funding, members will decide its activities, which could include: Provision of an advice and advocacy service to help deaf and disabled people to access services and resources necessary to participate in Camden life. Finding out what training and support deaf and disabled people need to participate in Camden life in the way we choose. Gathering and representing the views and interests of deaf and disabled people in Camden to local, London wide and national policy makers. Ensuring our membership reflects the diversity of the disability community in Camden and that members exercise democratic control over all aspects of Camden Disability Action’s work. 833 1111 or text 07543 572 793The Greenwood Centre, 37 Greenwood Place, London, NW5 1LB